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Paella Gallery

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How To:

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Make Paella

Host a Fiesta


5 5 Company Vision

5 6 Some History  

5 7 Q & A



By :




Paella's origin is humble all agree, and the name some say came from a slang usage of  "Por Ella"  (Meaning "For Her" in Spanish) from when a young lover who made a meal for his fiancé...and ignited an international love affair for the meal.  Here are a few pictures of my love affair with family, friends... and paella!

* High-rise paella in sight of the Nations Capital in DC

*  Cabin Family and Friends 2008  (YouTube view available on "Make Paella" page)

*     Fellowship Community Group Paella

* Command Group Paella night.

* Paella created for a birthday boy!

* A smile for a Holiday paella with  family.

*   Paella makes our mountain memories.

* TNT served  guest speaker, BG Cleckley and honored guest, the Adjutant General of Arkansas, MG Morrow,  for The National Guard Professional Education Center (PEC) Diversity Day Celebration.

  The Diversity Day at PEC allowed many folks the opportunity to enjoy some Paella along with other delicious ethnic dishes provided by PEC families....

*   The Russell's lake house Birthday Paella & Gazpatio a delight

*    Paella with the Hoffers, Fig, and the Chaloupkas in honor of our "From Hawaii to Arkansas or bust" journey.

* Paella with Brostroms & LePiankas One of many nights to remember with my awesome friends the Brostrom's and LePianka's ...  Mary Jo, TNT, Vicki we made history as the "MTV Diva's of Entertainment"!

 * Washington D.C. with my little Alex, April, Fig, Dean, and Dete!

* The Gardener's???  Guess we were focused on eating, singing, dancing...and didn't bother recording a visual of our paella memories!


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