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Cold War Context - 1960

The MARIE SHIPWRECK EVENT occurred during the height of the Cold War which is a period in history that still holds many mysteries spanning 1940-1990.  "When you align the Cold War era, the History of Science, Dr. Niel Freeborn Beardsley's influence on the 'Art of Infrared', as he fondly referred to the technology...  The "Marie Event" becomes a milestone on the Cold War historical timeline," said Teresa Newton-Terres at the Marie Commemoration Event June 2010.  Learn more about all things during this historical timeframe by visiting: The Cold War Museum


Insight into the timeframe and its challenges both nationally and globally echo in Theodore H. White words in the Making of a President 1960:  "In the Spring of 1960 a series of world events beat like a fusillade on the minds of American citizens: the shooting down of the U-2 over Russia; the use of this incident by Premier Khrushchev to disrupt the Summit conference in Paris; our deteriorating relations with Fidel Castro; arriving at total hostility as the bearded maniac appropriated American interests in Cuba; the humiliation of President Eisenhower on being excluded from Japan on his good-will tour of the Far East; and finally, the savage turbulence in the Congo that might tear the United Nations apart."








Rejoice because we can.





Last Updated: 2-June--2015  Copyright © 2001-2015 Teresa Newton-Terres  All Rights Reserved.